当院の矯正医 森田 匠先生が最近学会に投稿された論文の概要を紹介します。
Orthodontic Waves-Japanese Edition, 66(3): 123-133, 2007.
森田 匠,藤原琢也*,根来武史*,倉田周幸**,丸尾尚伸**,栗田賢一**,後藤滋巳*,平場勝成
Archives of Oral Biology, 53: 462-477, 2008.
Movement of the mandibular condyle and activity of the masseter and lateral pterygoid muscles during masticatory-like jaw movements induced by electrical stimulation of the cortical masticatory area of rabbits
Takumi Morita a, Takuya Fujiwara b, Takefumi Negoro b, Chikayuki Kurata c, Naonobu Maruo c, Kenichi Kurita c, Shigemi Goto b, Katsunari Hiraba a,*
a Department of Physiology, School of Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University
b Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University
c Department of 1st. Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Aichi- Gakuin University
The functional role of the lateral pterygoid muscle (LP) as well as the masseter muscle (MS) in the movement of the mandibular condyle was examined in masticatory-like jaw movement induced by electrical stimulation of the cortical masticatory area of urethane-anethetized rabbits. The EMGs of the LP and the MS were recorded along with video images of the mandibular condyle movement recorded with a high-speed CCD camera at a time resolution of 8 ms. The time required for the contractile force of the MS and LP to emerge as bite force or jaw movement was determined by direct electrical stimulation to respective muscles. It was found that the latency from electrical stimulation of the LP to the point when the lower incisor point reached the maximum lateral deviation was 34.3±2.9 ms and the time lag for the MS between the stimulation and the peak of bite force was 32.8±1.5 ms. We calculate the time point when the MS or LP exerted its maximum influence on jaw movement or bite force on the basis of these latencies. It may be concluded that the transient activity of the LP on the working side in the occlusal phase is deeply involved in the movement of the incisal point toward the balancing side across the midline (the anterior movement of the mandibular condyle on the working side in this instance) which appears in the late occlusal phase of grinding movements.
日本顎関節学会雑誌,20(2): 139-150, 2008
森田 匠,藤原琢也*,丸尾尚伸**,根来武史*, 栗田賢一**,後藤滋巳*,平場勝成
抄録 目的:硬い固形食品を咀嚼する場合,食品自身によって咬合が挙上され,平衡側での上下臼歯咬合関係が消失し,作業側を支点とした平衡側に下顎骨が回転するような不安定な咬合が出現する.この様な咬合状態において,作業側下顎骨の位置や運動を安定させるための咬筋と外側翼突筋の役割を解析した.